Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Annual Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: July 18, 2015
Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

Interim President Mark Deasaro called the meeting to order at 10:10 A.M.  He thanked all the members present for attending.

There was a motion made by Bill Gruman to accept the minutes and seconded by Judi Fleming of the July 19, 2014 Annual Meeting which was seconded.  Motion passed.

Clyde Dills, Treasurer, gave the financial report.  He discussed our 2015-2016 Budget and explained the increase in areas of the new budget.  Judi Fleming made a motion to accept the new budget.  Kay Dills seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Renee Castiglione, Property Manager, summarized the Building and Maintenance report for this past year.  (See attached.)  She also updated us on the status of finding maintenance men to work for HBV.  She has 3 candidates:  one to work full time, and two to work part time.  She is waiting for them to get their drug tests.

Old Business:
Dumpster Update:  There are some new dumpsters being developed that are bear proof and should be ready later this year.  Renee is going to check those to see how successful they are.  If they pass approval, we will get those as they are less expensive than others we have looked at and the Town’s Public Works Department will deliver them to us.  (See attached.)

D Building Renovations:  George has had employee issues and had to fire all of them as they weren’t coming to work.  To solve this issue, both Andy and George will be hiring a Mexican crew.  They will complete the soffits, add cables at the main landing and far staircase, and finish the painting.  D Building is nearly complete.

New Business:
K Building Renovations:  K Building work will begin as soon as the D Building is complete.

Discussion was held of using Vertical siding in place of the T1-11.  Vertical siding is a little more expensive than the horizontal siding, but for this area, it is much better.

New Employee Drug Policy:  A motion was made by Bill Gruman to accept the Drug Policy as written and seconded by Judi Fleming.  Motioned passed.

New Employee Background Check policy:  A motion was made by Bill Gruman to accept the Background Check policy and seconded by Judi Fleming.  Motion passed.

Announce New Board Members:
The following were elected as Board Members:
Mark Deasaro
Clyde Dills
John Ferguson
Jeff Hardin
Bob Goldberg

Clyde Dills made a motion to end the meeting, Marlene Rockwell seconded it.  Motion Passed.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35pm.