Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Meeting Date: August 27, 2005 Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse
Beginning Time: 10:00 Ending Time: 2:00

1. Call to Order;
Karen called the meeting to order Board members present: Jesus Hernandez, Saul Moore, Yvonne Clay, Tom
Mauldin. All meetings will be tape recorded and the tapes will be archived. Tapes can be reviewed in the future if there is a need to revisit the in-depth discussion on a topic. The minutes will reflect major points of discussion and decisions made which will be In bold type.

2. Recognition of Homeowners
Emily and Jeff Hickey, and Margaret Jenkins were recognized and welcomed.

3. Comments from Margaret Jenkins
Margaret Jenkins expressed she will not serve on the board due to disagreement with some board decisions but she will remain active and continue to create positive community relations. Karen Alexander expressed her thanks from the board for her dedication and service and presented her with a gift. Jesus announced that Margaret will continue to assist with the maintenance program and give input and her expertise.

4. Report from Jesus about the board resignations. Jesus reported that he met with Joe Crist and Margaret Jenkins to clarify why they were resigning from the board. Joe expressed the need to move to other interests. He stated that he wished that there was improved communication for decision-making. Jesus thanked Joe for his service and presented him with a certificate of recognition. Jesus met with Margaret and issues of communication about decision-making also were discussed. She stated that she thought it was best for her not to be involved with the board at this time. Jesus encouraged her to reconsider in the future or to get Bob Jenkins involved in the board. Jesus thanked Margaret for her service and asked if she would agree to continue to assist with the maintenance program and she agreed. Since neither individual would like to continue to serve at this time, Jesus recommended that the board accept both resignations. Jesus stated that the board needs to continue to improve our communication processes especially for those that don’t have email.

Jesus made the motioned to accept the resignations it was seconded and voted unanimously. Folders have been created in the office for Tom and Yvonne and Renee will make copies of all emails and place in each folder. Tom will check his weekly and Renee will take Yvonne’s hers when they meet to discuss finance.

5. Installation of New Board Members/Rules of Procedure
Nominations were made and seconded for each office. There was consensus on who was interested in serving in each office and no two expressed an interest in the same position. Diane Keasler notified the board in writing of her interest in serving as a member at large and sent in her biography.

All nominations were made and seconded and the vote was unanimous. Karen Alexander will serve as president, Saul Moore, as vice-president, Yvonne Clay as treasurer and Tom Mauldin as archivist. Diane Keasler was appointed as a member at large to take the place of Margaret Jenkins. Jesus Hernandez stated he wished to serve as a member at large but agreed to serve and was elected as secretary until new members have had a board orientation and become familiar with the responsibilities of serving on the board.

6. Approval of minutes July 2005
Jesus read the minutes; they were seconded and approved as written. Renee will resend copies of annual meeting and July board minutes to all board members.

7. Quarterly Outcomes
Saul as new vice president will work with Jesus to bring outcomes for discussion at the next meeting. The board will continue to focus on Maintenance, Structural repairs, Finance and community relations.

Karen made the motion to switch finance program to quick book and return our other program since it did not meet our needs. There was a second on the motion and approval was unanimous.

8. Maintenance Committee Report: Jesus
Jesus discussed priority maintenance and structural needs for the period of June 18-October 31 (attachment one). New projects approved as structural repairs to front of decks to E, G building to strengthen decks since these buildings are not cantilevered. Continue with preparing and painting the rear decks this season and into next if needed. Devise a plan for improving the wood retention wall to bottom of D. Board approved additional funds to place more downspouts and fix problems with gutters as needed. Karen reviewed the structural assessment plan and determined that the association has completed many of the high priority items.. The Simpson brackets will be applied this year to all remaining decks front and back. The next area for completion will be to continue the front deck repairs and replacement of posts with 6 x 6 to the rest of the buildings which will resume next spring.

The board made several suggestions for improvement to maintenance plan (attachment 2) and supported prepping and painting of rear decks as a priority maintenance project for the rest of the season. Revised maintenance plan was approved unanimously by the board. Jesus will contact A & R Metal for estimates for deck repairs to E and G buildings.

B. Financial report: Yvonne--Financials are not placed on the web. They may be obtained from the office.
Yvonne presented a treasurers report (attachment 2). We currently have only one delinquent regular account for $180 for past dues. Delinquent for special assessment end of first quarter $1375. Renee will go to the bank at the middle and end of each month in the morning before 2 so it will show in the bank for that day. Renee will send a letter that assessment dues are due at the beginning of the quarter but will be considered late if not paid by end of quarter and subject to lien if not paid. Yvonne expressed concerns about her responsibilities with tax filing and it was clarified that Winelda Bishop will continue to audit our financial records and file taxes for HBV.

Report was received with a motion, seconded and approved unanimously. Board approved to start process for lien on delinquent assessment accounts. Yvonne moved that now that new board was in place we use prepays to the special assessment to continue the improvements during the work season since very little will be used during the cold season, seconded and the vote was unanimous.

9. Social committee: Pat Kyle is recovering and best wishes sent from board. 
Board approved to begin sending a written newsletter as we did before and also include an electronic format on the home page. Jesus will help Renee take on this responsibility. All board members were encouraged to write a small article for the newsletter within the next 2 weeks and send it to Jesus or Renee. The vote was unanimous.

10. Beautification committee:
Jesus reported that several hydrangeas were planted and that the waterfall will be completed this Fall. The tools used by the committee will be kept in the new shed. Donations to the committee are encouraged. Renee will deposit the money and list it as a separate line item for accountability. Members will submit receipts to Renee for any expenditure from this fund that is used for beautification gardening projects not funded by the association.

11. New business
A. Business Credit Card:
Renee requested that HBV apply for a business credit card to facilitate association business. Discussion held on filing for card to be used by Renee Castiglione for up to $500 and Jim Fry up to $1000 paid monthly so that there is no finance charge. Employees need to manage these accounts so that no late fees are incurred.

Motion made by Saul seconded by Yvonne and the vote was unanimous. Saul will work on developing a policy for use of card. Karen will sign on the application as president. The use of the card will be monitored by the board.

B. Tree work for view improvement.
A homeowner in B contracted someone to top a tree in back of B building without notification or approval of the board. This is against board and town policy. Trees may be windowed only with approval of the board and a certified arborist. The lawyer will be consulted and the homeowner will be notified and may be fined. If the town fines the association the homeowner will be required to pay the fine. Several trees have been cut or trimmed without proper notification of the board. This practice will not be tolerated by the board and may result in disciplinary action as advised by our attorney. This issue was discussed at length at the annual meeting and proper guidelines were given. Homeowners interested in view improvement must notify the board and make an appointment so that a board member is present during this work. Our trees are one of our most precious resources and will be preserved and protected.

Board vote was unanimous that only trees that are dead or diseased will be removed after approval has been received from the town according to town ordinance. Topping of tree is forbidden as this destroys the beauty of the tree and will most likely result in death of the tree over time. Jeff and Emily Hicks expressed concern about damaged tree in back of H building. These trees were cut inappropriately and are slowly recovering. If they show signs of decline or begin to die they will have to me cut down. Homeowners may also not plant new tree without board approval.

12. Personnel Issues
Kevin Boyer has resigned as of 8/31/05. Jim is in the process of hiring new staff and setting up a system as an independent contractor with HBV. The lawyer approved the employment agreement for Jim that was drafted by the board. Board was unable to finalize all details related to agreements at this time. Completion and signing of all agreements and job description will be a first quarter outcome. The board commended Jim, Kevin and Renee for their excellent work and dedication to HBV. Thanks to everyone’s collaboration much has been accomplished this season.

Agreements will be discussed and finalized at next meeting.

13. Homeowner concerns
Jeff and Emily Hickey as new homeowners at HBV had questions about who is responsible for maintenance in different areas.

Board explained that all maintenance requests for exterior, except windows and doors, are the responsibility of the association. Repairs can be made by filling out a maintenance request or notifying Renee at the HBV office. Repairs to windows and doors inside the unit are to be paid by homeowners but Jim Frye can complete these and HBV will bill the homeowner. Jim can quote a price before beginning repairs. Jim can replace fogged glass to sliding glass doors and rollers so that doors slide freely for a reasonable cost. Homeowner may conduct their own minor improvements such as painting to the outside of their unit at their cost with the consent of the association. All requests need to be completed on a maintenance request form and will be handled based on time received and priority within 30 days of receipt. The Hickeys stated that reputation of the association as an effective group in managing HBV was a major reason they chose to purchase at HBV. The board thanked the Hickeys for their support and encouraged them to become active in the association.

14. Meeting adjourned 
Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.. Next meeting September 16, 2005 at 9 a.m. in HBV clubhouse. Please note meeting time change.

Board meeting will now be held every other month instead of monthly on the third Saturday at 10 a.m. Homeowners are encouraged to attend all meetings.

Jesus A. Hernandez
Board Secretary