Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association Board Minutes
February 19, 2005
10 a.m. HBV Clubhouse

Present: Jim Cary, Yvonne Clay, Joe Crist, Moe Moore, Margaret Jenkins, Bob DuMortier, Karen Alexander
Guest: David Wilson

Meeting called to order by the chair.
Minutes approved: Motion: Bob DuMortier
Second: Joe Crist
Motion carries

Research Analyst: Yvonne Clay
Structural Loan Report: see packet in office or on web site.
a. Not all items listed as structural expenses should be charged to 
loan - some should be charged to general maintenance. The
chair asked Yvonne to make the changes that need to be made.
b. Yvonne asked the Board to close the file on "Gutters".
Motion: Margaret Jenkins
Second: Moe Moore
Motion carries

The summary of HBV Insurance Assessment received from Research Analyst
as information.

HBV Storm Doors:
Jim Cary reported the lack of "check" chains and cylinders on doors. Margaret Jenkins will go through inspection reports & make a list for Jim Frye.

Yvonne Clay will follow up with Mr. Electric to get a more detailed report.

All condo owners who rent:
Please ask your rental agents to ask the cleaning crew to make sure the BED PILLOWS are resting on the bed not on the HEATER behind the bed.

Inspections to be made once a month or after a weather event. Suggestion by Karen Alexander that we start another level of inspections; walk the outside
of the buildings, check windows and other cold weather trouble spots.

Insurance claims for F building:
Karen Alexander
Moe Moore
Jim Frye
Steve Smith - Claims Representative from Nationwide
Working together on HBV claims. The Board commends their efforts and hard work.

Robert DuMortier:
No report on Archives.

Bob, with regret, resigned from the Board of directors. He has sold his unit. The Board accepted his resignation with appreciation for his dedicated work to straighten out our difficulties with the IRS and his long hours arranging our Archive files. Thank you Bob.

Bob gave out the 1099 forms to those present and put others in the office.

Moe Moore will be Treasurer for the remainder of the year. (Mo will receive a copy of Winelda Bishop's report each month).

Moe Moore - By Laws:
Karen requests Pat and Greg update the web site to include the latest by-laws.

Jim Cary will put safety regulations and diagrams on web site.

New Business:


Moe Moore sent to Board calculations based on 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom percentages. (letter dated February 12, 2005). A note was attached, from Karen, that Board members review and be ready to sign off on final draft at February Board meeting.

Karen Alexander, Moe Moore, Pat Kyle and Margaret Jenkins worked on the homeowner letter. Letter reviewed by Tony DiSanti, HBV legal counsel. Pat Kyle was unable to attend the Board meeting due to illness. Greg Lanier brought the final draft to the Board meeting February 19, 2005.

The Board decided to round our the numbers to read: $250.00 quarterly, or $1,000.00 a year for a 1 bedroom unit and $375.00 quarterly, or $1,500.00 a year for a 2 bedroom unit, both for a 3 year period.

To continue the process of structural renovation into its final phase as listed in HBV's structural Engineers report, requiring 3 years for completion, through an assessment to all unit owners.

The assessment:
(1) The total cost will be pro-rated by the number of bedrooms in the unit for 3 consecutive years with one bedroom units paying $1,000.00 a year or $250.00 per quarter, two bedroom units paying $1500.00 a year or $375.00 per quarter, with the first payment due April 1, 2005.
(2) If the owner sells the unit, the remaining balance of the assessment is due and payable to HBV at final closing.

Motion: Margaret Jenkins
Second: Joe Crist
Unanimous decision

(Request unit owners read the entire letter. Questions to Karen Alexander, Margaret Jenkins, Moe Moore).

Report from Moe Moore:
Jim Cary looked at computer Financial Programs. He and Moe have decided on CAI Treasurer software. Cost $239.00. Board deferred purchase until May 1, 2005.

Board established a policy of a $25.00 fee for a returned check, to be billed to the unit owner. Jesus will incorporate into HBV policy manual.

Joe Crist will order and install road signs at Lower and Middle roads at HBV, after talking with the City.

Winelda Bishop has requested a quarterly report of petty cash to include expenses and amount of income.

Meeting adjourned 1 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jenkins, Secretary