Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: January 20, 2007 Meeting Place: Clubhouse
Beginning Time: 10:00 Ending Time: 12:45

1. Call to Order
Karen called the meeting to order. Board members present: Saul Moore, Yvonne Clay, Tom Mauldin, Margaret Jenkins, Sonia Prosperi, Jesus Hernandez. Larry Parrish from maintenance is also in attendance.

2. Recognition of Homeowners
Glenn Cochran from C308 and Bob Jenkins from H were welcomed to the meeting. Glenn wanted to commend the board on all the good work over the last year.

3. Comments from the President/approval of minutes
Moe made motion to approve minutes and Tom made a second to the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Report from Yvonne: treasurer’s report (attachment 1-5)Financials are not placed on the web. They may be obtained from the office.
Sonia asked how work on individual units for homeowners is billed. It was explained that Jim Frye bills HBV for the work then HBV bills the homeowner. The association bills for estimates since it represents an expense. Yvonne presented the budget and treasurers report (attachment) and has been researching the expenditures for cost accounting. We are over the water bill due to a major increase of 21% from the town. This was not anticipated in the budget. The weed eating account is fine. General repair included all the pressure washing and repairs to wood on deck and handrails. Yvonne suggested that this should have been placed under the special assessment. $6700.37 will move out of this account so that will balance General Maintenance. Truck rentals from Jim Frye were included in the budget. The roofer was paid $5000 as a retainer for materials for roof on building C. The roof has now been completed. Reimbursements from homeowners can be subtracted from the budget. We are now on track on most line items. The driveways are over since the road sign columns were transferred from special assessment to this line item. Report on special assessment budget now has more detail on specific figures which will help in future with budgeting. Much of the work has been prepayments. $84,000 is still due from special assessment. There is an error in the last columns due to electrical repairs not correct. Saul and Yvonne will work together to correct this. The next assessment will be due in April. We only have one delinquent account and that is $500 in special assessment which will be collected upon the sale of the unit closing end of January. Karen asked that Renee do a cash flow analysis so we can project what will be in the bank as cash flows. Karen will work on this with Renee. Our current balance is $16,000.


5. Maintenance Report: Jesus
Larry reported that Jim’s company will be building/remodeling houses as a contractor so Larry Parish will become the independent contractor for HBV. We will need a new contract from Larry that will include the liability coverage for his company. This transition will occur in April. Larry will buy a truck and make it available to rent. Jesus reported that the clubhouse flue has now been repaired and the gas logs reinstalled. This can be used as heat in case of power failure and keep pipes from freezing. C roof has been completed. Road repairs to exit of ABC has been completed. Inventory has been done on materials on site. Larry has been catching up on homeowner work that was backlogged from last year. The grounds were decorated for the holidays and taken down. Grounds have been kept clean from extra visitor debris in the winter. Sonia still has raccoons in her wall. They have been coming back. Garbage is being left outside on decks. Renee will send an official letter to the responsible owners that trash must be taken to the bins and cannot be left outside. There is concern about driers that are not properly vented and Larry will investigate how to fix this since it is a fire hazard.

6. Old Business:
Railroad ties are needed for H building parking to keep people from hitting the rocks. Most of the expense is the labor. Larry can accomplish this on a warm day in the winter. The board approved this project because of risk to property damage and safety.

7. New business:
A. Diane Keesler attended the meeting and would like to be reinstated as a board member.

Motion by Margaret and seconded by Saul to reinstate Diane Keesler as board member now that she will be able to attend and meet attendance guidelines. Motion approved unanimously.

B. Concern about using parliamentary procedures during board meetings. Saul gave a history of parliamentary procedures and use of Robert’s Rules of Order and why it is important. He reviewed the major steps to a meeting. Margaret said she would like to make the meetings more informal, in listening to the tapes the rules are not followed very formally. Margaret wants to suggest having a nominating committee. Karen said that she believes we adhere to parliamentary procedure in a more informal way. Recruitment has been done more informally. Moe is going to order a brochure on the rules for each member.

8. Long Term Planning Committee.
Karen explained that the committee met prior to the board meeting and presented a written report. (attachment)

9. Quarterly Outcomes
Saul presented quarterly outcomes (attachment) and asked for input. Add fascia board cover to soffits for B and H buildings.

10. Meeting Adjourned

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting March 17, 2007 at 10 a.m. in HBV clubhouse.

Jesus A. Hernandez
Board Secretary