Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association
Meeting Date: July 18, 2009 Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

To make the minutes concise all motions were made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless specified otherwise.

1. Call to Order Karen called the meeting to order.

Board members present: Yvonne Clay, Jesus Hernandez, Karen Alexander, Claude Chapman, Howard Esko, Fatima Hicks, Judy Flemming

Quorum is present.

2. Recognition of Homeowners Cecile Esko, Dub Hicks, Cliff Haskins, Irene Alvarez.

3. Comments from the President: Karen welcomed everyone she commented on how fortunate we were to have such a qualified board.

4. Minutes of April 18, 2009 prepared by Renee were given to each member. Minutes were approved as written.

Jesus discussed the mission, vision and values and the rules of procedure. The rules of procedure were reviewed.

Karen will serve as president, Fatima as vice-president, Howard as treasurer and Jesus as secretary and maintenance coordinator, Judy for chair of landscaping, Claude at large, Charlie as legal consultant.

All voted unanimously and vowed to support the association and adhere to its mission, vision and values and rules of procedure.

Yvonne will be retiring from the board and leaving HBV on 7/25 and Saul Moore has not run for re-election. Both were recognized for their many years of valuable service at the annual meeting.

Jesus discussed filling these positions. An owner for D and one from F has expressed an interest. Karen and Judy will talk with owner from D and Howard for the owner from F. In order to serve an owner must be in good standing with the association.

There was a discussion on how board members represent the whole association instead of their own buildings and that decisions are made so that all buildings benefit from improvements.

5. No further reports since these were given at the annual meeting.

6. Doors: The issue of sliding glass doors not working properly was readdressed. Irene stated that the association was responsible to fix her door because it was due to the settling that her door would not close properly. Jesus read the minutes from 9/08 which described the decision to help fix some of the doors that were structurally impacting the building. The board voted to support the same decision as it stands. Only doors identified as top priority by the assessment qualify for the shared repairs otherwise homeowners are responsible for any door repairs needed.

Insurance: Discussion on how much coverage to get. Howard suggests insuring for $150/square feet which is the replacement. We need to get clarification of the declaration and what the association is responsible for. Karen and Jesus believe that a $110/square foot is a close estimate since we are not responsible for the interior of the units.

We also need interpretation of rear decks and who is responsible for maintaining it.

Jesus discussed the raccoon problem and suggested that we try hiring trapper mike company to remove the raccoon. The board approved since current strategies are not working and the problem gets worse each month. We will set a budget for $300 to see how that works. Feral cats are overpopulating again and this creating a problem for HBV. If owners can catch the cats HBV will pay to have them neutered and some of them returned to maintain the colony. The kittens should be rehomed.

Get an estimate to replace shingles to G side with hardy board. There are several holes in this area due to rot.

We may have had someone break in to two units in E building. Homeowners will be educated to lock rear doors since burglars may be entering that way. If anyone is suspicious that his/her unit has been breeched they need to replace the lock and call the HBV office. HBV staff enters units only for periodic inspections or maintenance work.

5. Next board meeting for 9/19/09.

Respectfully submitted
Jesus A. Hernandez Board Secretary