Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: July 18, 2015
Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

Members Present:  Jorgene Barton, Clyde Dills, Mark Deasaro, Marlene Rockwell, John Ferguson, Jeff Hardin, Bob Goldberg and Carol Robinson

Property Manager: Renée Castiglione

Guests:  Kay Dills and Leslie Mayeron

Call to Order:  Mark Deasaro, Interim President, called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm.  He welcomed the guests and thanked all for attending.

Election of Officers:  Marlene Rockwell nominated and made a motion to elect Mark Deasaro as President.  Carol  Robinson seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Mark Deasaro nominated and made a motion to elect Marlene Rockwell as Vice President.  Bob Goldberg seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Mark Deasaro nominated and made a motion to elect Clyde Dills as Treasurer.  Marlene Rockwell seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Mark Deasaro nominated and made a motion to elect Bob Goldberg as Secretary.  Clyde Dills seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Approval of April 25, 2015 Minutes:  Mark Deasaro made a motion to approve the minutes, Bob Goldberg seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

Deck for F121
Renée informed the Board that a previous Board approved the additional of a side deck for a top unit at the D building.  Marlene asked about setting a precedent. The Board decided each case would be looked at on an individual basis. If approved, the deck would be built so that units above, should they choose, would be able to add a deck on top of it, Also, Renée will inform the Building inspector about this contingency. The deck belongs to homeowner and the Association holds no responsibility for this deck.

Bob Goldberg made a motion to allow F121 to build a deck under the specifications and building code and to allow uppers to attach to said deck.

Carol Robinson seconded. Motion passed.

Contract for K building.
The Board reviewed the contract submitted by Pyramid Buidlings for the renovations to the K building. Although the contractor would like to start the renovation before the loan comes through, the Board decided to wait until loan is approved. The Board has also determined they would like to have the Town’s Building Inspector inspect the work per draw from the bank account. They also want to send the contract to the Association attorney for his review. Once that is complete they will sign the contract.

Bob Goldberg made a motion to adjourn; John Ferguson seconded. Motion passed

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.