Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: July 19, 2008 Meeting Place: Clubhouse
Beginning Time: 2:00 Ending Time: 4:00

1. Call to Order
Karen called the meeting to order. New board members were welcomed. Board members present: Yvonne Clay, Jesus Hernandez, Karen Alexander, Charlie Robinson, Claude Chapman, Howard Esko, Fatima Hicks. Absent Judy Fleming and Saul Moore. Quorum is present.

2. Recognition of Homeowners
Cecile Esko, Dub Hicks, Henry Alexander, Laura Seltzer, David Wilson and Tom Mauldin.

3. Comments from the President: Karen welcomed everyone and commented on how fortunate we were to have such a qualified board. Minutes of 5/17/08 were approved as written.

4. Board packets prepared by Renee were given to each member. These are to be kept at the office so they can be updated. Jesus inducted new members of the board by reviewing the mission, vision and values and the rules of procedure. The rules of procedure were updated (Attachment 1) and voted on unanimously. Elections for executive officers were completed. The current officers all agreed to serve in their current positions and there being not further nominations all were elected unanimously. Karen will serve as president, Saul as vice-president and parliamentarian, Yvonne as treasurer and emergency contact, Jesus as secretary and maintenance coordinator, Claude as assistant maintenance coordinator, Charlie as legal consultant, Fatima Hicks as archivist and Howard Esko as insurance representative. All vowed to support the association and adhere to its mission, vision and values and rules of procedure.

5. No further reports since these were given at the annual meeting.

6. Karen and Jesus explained that Karen, Jesus, Claude, Saul and Larry had met with a contractor about the issues with compression shifting of building D and E. This has led to water leaks in some units and difficulties with door operation. Doors and windows are the responsibility of the owner according to the bylaws. Some owners have already paid to have their doors replaced or re-hung in order to improve their function. Renee will consult with our attorney about this issue to determine if the association will be responsible for the replacement of doors in these two buildings, and how that will affect the bylaw policy stating that homeowners are responsible for their own doors and windows. Karen drew a diagram to explain how compression can lead to problems over time. Each building is different and there is no way to determine the full extent of the problems until the siding is pulled back to reveal the flashing, studs and headers. Ridge Woodworks examined the buildings and will give an estimate for the board to make a decision. Board would like a lump sum estimate instead of time, expenses and 15% as proposed by the contractor. We will obtain 2 other estimates, if possible. Claude will give the name of a contractor to Renee. If needed, materials will be replaced with 21st century alternatives such as Hardyboard. Efforts will be made to conserve and reuse and complete the repairs in a cost effective manner. The overall goal is to maintain buildings, safety and weather tight. Funding will need to be determined once estimated costs are known. This particular problem was not identified in the original structural report completed 5 years ago and homeowners in those buildings have noted that the settling has increased over the last 2 years. All buildings will need to be assessed for settling issues in order to grasp the issue fully and its impact on the association. Our buildings conform to building standards of the 1970’s and no code was followed. Buildings are not level and never were. The integrity of the structure of the buildings has not been compromised and our buildings are in their best shape since the last decades due to the many improvements completed over the last 5 years. In reality we have had very few water leaks over the last 5 years given the fact that we live in a rain forest, the buildings are over 35 years old and buildings naturally settle over time. We recently replaced 2 roofs (C and clubhouse) and have completed sealants on two buildings (D and G) to extend their integrity, and have a contracted roofer complete any needed repairs. We inspect roof membranes yearly. The newest leaks are not due to roof failure but issues with compression and flashing. The contractor also recommended more heavy pruning of tree limbs close to buildings to improve air circulation and drying of buildings. The goals are to assure structural integrity and do the repairs correctly the first time and prevent further problems in the future within our resources available. Board members will be kept informed as the data is received.

6. Called board meeting for 9/20/08. Hopefully all estimates will be completed at this time and the board can review these and come up with a plan for addressing the issues and how to fund this project. Homeowners will be notified so they can attend and give input if they desire.

Respectfully submitted, 
Jesus A. Hernandez
Board Secretary