Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: July 19, 2014
Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

Members Present: Ed Anthony, Laurie Chilelli, Carol Robinson, Mark Deasaro, Jorgene Barton, and Carol Robinson.

Personnel Present: Renée Castiglione

Guests Present: Rosemary Williams

Call to Order: President
Ed Anthony called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. He welcomed the new board member, Jorgene Barton. As there were two additional openings on the board, Mark Deasaro made a motion to accept the nominations of Marlene Rockwell and Rosemary Williams. Laurie Chilelli seconded the motion. The board voted and there were four yea’s and 1 nay for each person. They were accepted to the board.

Election of New Officers

Ed Anthony volunteered to remain as President
Laurie Chilelli volunteered to remain as President
Clyde Dills will remain as Treasurer
Carol Robinson volunteered to remain Secretary

Approval of April 12, 2014 Minutes
Ed Anthony motioned that the Minutes be approved as written, Mark Desearo seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Committee Reports
There were no committee reports as all was covered in the Annual Meeting.

New Business

Discussion of soffits
This discussion was carried over from the Annual Meeting as to how to approach the soffits for the buildings.

Mark Deasaro motioned to table this discussion. Carol Robinson seconded the motion. It was unanimous. So, the soffit situation of taking them all off now remains. And, leaving two test cases of soffits, one metal and one vinyl will continue.

Dumpsters and trash collection

Mark Deasaro made the motion to change our garbage collection to Republic Services upon Town Council approval. Jorgene Barton seconded the motion. It was unanimous.

Begin discussion of raising monthly dues due to budget constraints
This issue was tabled.
Discussion regarding replacing Board and Batton on front of 2nd floor doors

All were in agreement that we keep the Board and Batton on the D building, and all remaining buildings, unless the structural integrity of the siding is an issue. Otherwise, we will add baseboards to all front, 2nd floor Board and Batton to get rid of holes on the bottom of this siding.

Mark Deasaro made the motion to keep the Board and Batton when salvageable and adding a baseboard so all buildings look uniform. Carol Robinson seconded the motion and it was unanimous.

Other Business
There was no other business.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:55 P.M. The next Board Meeting will be held on October 18, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. unless conflicts are discovered.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Robinson