Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association
Meeting Date: July 21, 2007 Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

Board actions are in bold type. To make the minutes concise all motions were made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless specified otherwise.

1. Call to Order
Karen called the meeting to order. Board members present: Yvonne Clay, Tom Mauldin, Jesus Hernandez, Charles Robinson, Claude Chapman.

2. Recognition of Homeowners
Jan Marriott

3. Comments from the President/approval of minutes
Karen welcomed the new board members Claude Chapman and Charles Robinson and asked that they commit to the mission of the association and follow the rules of procedure and bylaws and rules and policies. Both agreed to follow these as new members. Election of officers, all positions were nominated and seconded. Karen Alexander was elected president, Saul Moore, Vice President, Yvonne Clay, treasurer and Jesus Hernandez, Secretary. Tom Mauldin will be archivist and Jesus the maintenance coordinator. Claude agreed to help Jesus with maintenance and Charles will be a legal consultant for the board.

4. Saul not present. Quarterly outcomes for this year will be discussed next meeting and updated on the web.

5. Long term committee reported at annual meeting.

6. Archivist report: Tom talked to other original owners that will help submit some additional materials.

7. Bylaws: All bylaws are current and homeowners approved the policies and procedures that were proposed. These will be updated according to owner comments and posted on the web.

Yvonne reported that we are in balance. Charles said he can send a letter to delinquent accounts from his office as legal advisor to the board. Motion to raise late fee to $25 if payment is late for second month in addition to late fee of $10, seconded and approved unanimously.

6. Maintenance Report: Jesus reported on estimates for E staircase ($900) and H wall ($3600) from A and R metal. Projects were approved by the board. Jesus suggested that we also get an estimate for replacing the shingles to that same side of H building. Replace C building staircase that is rotted. We will also move the D walkway repair up in priority due to many homeowners’ requests. Jesus presented the job descriptions for maintenance contractor and office manger. The board will review these and vote at the next meeting. Road drains in FGH need to be cleaned. There is a tree behind C that is split. Renee has contacted the owner and asked that it be removed or be liable if it falls. Approval to purchase a leaf blower for $300 instead of renting.

9. Unfinished business 
Board Attendance: Dianne Keasler has not been able to attend board meetings and meet the attendance policy for board members. Karen will write her and ask her to resign from the board and instead serve on the arbitration committee when needed.

New Budget: Karen presented the new budget based on actual expenses for 2007. The proposed budget is for $179,700 for the year. Increasing the dues by 25% will help meet the budget. Karen went over each line item (attachment one). Motion to approve the budget with dues increased passed retroactive to July 1st to fit in fiscal year.

Charges for homeowner work. Discussed fees paid by homeowners for jobs completed by Larry Parish to their units. Karen asked all to look at guidelines and make suggestions for improvements.

10. New business:
A. Parking in FGH is a problem in the weekends since lot is full. Renee will investigate how many handicapped spaces are needed. We have no designated parking spaces parking is based on availability only.

A. B. Discussed creating a storage cabinet underneath the F building in place of cabinet in f breezeway.

C. Claude discussed the individual unit light fixtures. Some homeowners have replaced these fixtures and they are all looking different. Replace all nonworking fixtures in the front entrance door with refurbished original fixtures and take new working fixtures and placed them at the back door. Complete all fixtures that are now different first. Replace amber plastic panes with clear glass. Write a policy that prohibits owners from replacing the fixtures with their own fixture. Owners will contact the association when their fixture needs to be refurbished. 
Motion passed.

D. Claude discussed having the individual building signs with the numbers replaced with new signs to match the individual unit signs. We will ask Renee to get a price quote for these signs.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:30. Next meeting will be the first board meeting on September 21, 2007 at 10 a.m. in HBV clubhouse.

Jesus A. Hernandez
Board Secretary