Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association
Meeting Date: July 20, 2012 Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

President Karen Alexander called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.  Attending were Karen Alexander, Janet Parker, Don Westmoreland, Clyde Dills, and Carol Robinson.  Ed Anthony and Mark Deasaro attended via telephone.

Karen welcomed newly elected Board Members, Clyde Dills and Mark Desaro.

After 10 years as President, Karen is resigning but has offered to assist and consult the new officers.  The election of new officers is as follows:  Ed Anthony, President; Karen Alexander, Vice President; Don Westmoreland, Treasurer; and, Carol Robinson, Secretary.

The attending guests were Greg Lanier and Pat Kyle.

Ed Anthony thanked everyone for the vote of confidence by the Board for electing him as President.  He also thanked Karen for all her hard work and service for the years she served as President.

Karen Alexander made a motion for the approval of the Minutes of the May 5, 2012 Board Meeting.  Carol Robinson seconded the motion and the Minutes were approved as submitted. 

There were no committee reports for this meeting as all was covered in the Annual Meeting.

Sherill Cordell is our newest “handyman” at HBV. He is now being paid $15 per hour. He is personable, gets along with all and tries to accommodate all homeowners who approach him. He is a skilled worker who has the tools to take care of more advanced issues. Because of these added skills that he brings to Holiday Beech Villas, Renée is asking that the Board approve a raise to $17 per hour for Sherill (Will was paid $17/hr).  Karen made a motion to approve Renee’s request and it was seconded by Janet Parker.  The motion was approved. 

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

New Business:  A Homeowner has requested that other Homeowners not be allowed to pay half of the shingles, in order to get theirs done more quickly. Homeowners Pat Kyle/Greg Lanier have offered to pay half the cost of getting their front and back shingles replaced this year. They would like to get an 
Awning placed in the back, but do not want to do this until the shingles have been replaced.  After much discussion, the Board decided that if Homeowners are willing to pay for half the cost, there is no reason why they should not be able to have their shingles replaced.  Association projects will not be halted to have a Homeowner’s project completed, but the project will be completed as conveniently possible.  The following will be part of the new policy for this decision, and Renée will enhance this policy and place in the approved format:

“Anytime a homeowner is willing to pay half of an association responsibility project, as long as the association responsibility project is approved, should be allowed to be scheduled in relation to the Holiday Beech Project Schedule as a priority by a Holiday Beech Villa approved contractor.”

Carol Robinson presented a Tree Removal Application to the Board and made a motion for the Board to approve crowning trees by Tony Hunter by her deck.  Karen seconded the motion and it was approved by the Board. 

Several homeowners have requested that saplings be removed in front of F, G, and H buildings are they are crowding and killing the rhododendrons.  The Board has agreed to remove the saplings.

The meeting was adjourned after no further business.

 The next Board Meeting to be held at the Club House is September 15, 2012 at 9:00 A.M.