Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Holiday Beech Villas
Board of Director's Meeting
March 18, 2006 10:00am
Unit F226

1. Call to Order;
Karen Alexander, President

2. Members Present
Karen Alexander, Saul Moore, Yvonne Clay, Jesus Hernandez, Tom Mauldin.

3. Recognition of Guests
None present.

4. Approval of minutes and comments from the President
Karen Alexander commented on how the new policies and procedures have allowed the smooth handling of the insurance loss. Asked for motion to accept minutes for 1/21/06.

Motion to approve minutes made by Tom. A second to the motion given by Yvonne and approved unanimously with correction-under treasurer’s report should read $1,200 instead of $120 for delinquents.

5. Quarterly Outcome
Work is in progress.

Motion by Moe to be tabled until next meeting, second by Jesus approved unanimously

Committee Reports:

6. Maintenance Report
Jim’s company has hired two new employees. Larry is replacing Dan and is working out very well. Jim has begun Spring clean up and gravel added to roads. Roads have held up really well this winter. There are a couple of areas of asphalt that need repair in E apron and K parking. All F building structural repairs have been completed. Next decks for repair are front of C. Painting of rear decks and adding new pickets will resume with D and E. Lattice work and soffits are on hold until all structural repairs have been funded. Approval given to do the new entrance sign as previously discussed. We are ahead of budget for assessment for structural and any money left at the end of the three years will go into the long term maintenance budget.

Board approved to have A & R complete the C front deck repairs and give estimates for D and K repairs and E stairway. Yvonne made motion to accept report and a second was given by Tom. The motion carried unanimously.

7. Treasurer Report--Financials are not placed on the web. They may be obtained from the office.
Yvonne presented a new spread sheet that includes the history for each owner’s payment of the special assessment. The pressure washing of the rear decks will fall under the special assessment budget since they were not washed for 20 years and it needed to be done in order to paint. From now on this pressure washing will fall under maintenance. Jesus questioned where the deck repairs done on third quarter were listed on the financial report. Yvonne will investigate this and make a correction to this line item. The expenses listed for the clubhouse in November will be moved to special assessment since this was to repair windows that did not open.

Yvonne moved that the fourth quarter of 2005 will be moved to adjustments and cleared. A second to the motion made by Moe and approved unanimously. Jesus moved to accept the financial report and Moe made a second to approve the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.

8. Social Committee
Pat Kyle will no longer be the chair of the committee. The board thanked Pat for all her contributions to this project since her involvement and the assistance of Greg Lanier with our first Web page. The board wished them both well and hopes that they can become involved again in the future. Any homeowners who want to be involved with social committee can contact Renee.

9. Old Business 
A. Money market Account:
Moe transferred the old saving account money to a money market account in High Country with 1.75% interest allowing 3 transactions per year. Moe will deposit $1000 dollars extra into this account as previously approved.

Moe suggested we start with a $1000 to open the money market account then we can add to this as the budget allows. Yvonne gave a second to the motion. This motion was approved unanimously.

B. Policy and Procedures.
No further amendments are needed to the existing policies and procedures.

The board will review the policy on grounds at a future meeting.

C. Insurance update:
Moe talked with Kim at insurance agency and told them we were pleased with the handling of our account. Attachment 1 was discussed. We need to compensate Renee for electricity used when office was moved to her home; she can submit her bill and we will pay the extra expense and submit this to the insurance company. The insurance rating has dropped for Beech mountain which should help keep our premiums lower. Clubhouse repairs should be completed by April 1. Jesus had emailed the board about furniture (Enclave and Pallermo) choices for the clubhouse and asked for approval to purchase living room and dining furniture from Rooms to Go on sale. The approximate cost with protectant will be $3711 with delivery and taxes.

D. Entrance sign
Jesus discussed that final approval for the entrance sign by ABC was pending until the clubhouse repairs were finished. The design and costs are as previously discussed.

Jesus made the motion that Jim order and install the main entrance sign by ABC as previously presented. The other entrance signs will be discussed after the entrance sign is installed and we live with it for a while. Moe made a second to the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

Jesus made a motion to purchase the furniture. Moe made a second to the motion and was approved unanimously.

10. New Business
A. Electrical Concerns:
Tom presented a problem with the main electrical circuit breakers for his unit. There have also been failures of the circuit breakers in the outside panel box for units at B and H building. These breakers are the original ones which were installed in the 70's. There needs to be an inspection of all outside main circuit breakers for corrosion paid for by the Association. If a breaker is found to be defective and requires replacement the homeowner will be billed for the replacement since this is considered to be part of his individual unit. Also the wiring for G and H building needs to be separated since these are now linked. The fences around the electrical transformer boxes from Mountain Electric are not allowed and will have to be removed. Electrical Meters are the responsibility of Mountain Electric and cannot be inspected without pulling them and that would require Mountain Electric to replace these if it is damaged.

Tom moved to have Mr. Electric inspect the outside boxes for corrosion and identify any breakers that need to be replaced. These breakers will be replaced at the cost to the homeowner. Additionally Tom gave a motion to separate G and H wiring at association’s cost and investigate if outside lights need to be on a separate panel. All fences to be removed from around electrical transformers as per Mountain Electric regulation. Both Motion second by Yvonne. Motions approved unanimously. Mr. Electric will be asked to give an estimate of cost before work begins.

B. Office Furniture:
Renee asked for a budget of $500 to buy new furnishings for the office from Staples.

Motion to give $500 budget for office, seconded by Yvonne and approved unanimously. Renee will choose and purchase the furniture.

C. Credit Limit.
Renee asked for an increase on the credit card for Jim Frye to use to $2500. Motion was seconded by Moe and approved.

Motion made to increase credit limit to $2500

D. Work Reduction Winelda Bishop:
Yvonne discussed that Renee is now able to take over some of Winelda’s responsibilities except for taxes and payroll. Renee can do most of our financial records with Quickbook

Motion made by Yvonne to decrease use of CPA-Winelda Bishop to do payroll reports and filing tax returns, and the year end report. Winelda will also investigate the process completing an independent audit. Motion was seconded by Moe and approved unanimously.

E. Steps to Ski Beech
Tom brought a concern about the condition of the steps from the ABC bridge to Ski Beech and asked that they be inspected and repaired. This will be put in a maintenance request to Jim.

F. Signs
We need to discuss putting up signs instructing owners and visitors to walk on walkways and driveways only and not on the grounds or slide on the slopes and damage the shrubbery. This issue will be discussed again next meeting.

11. Annual Meeting Plans
Moe has started the process of planning for the annual meeting and elections. Karen will notify homeowners about their interest in serving. Several terms will expire this year. Yvonne encouraged current members to consider running again for their expired terms to keep the current board intact. It is imperative that the special assessment be handled by an experience board and the current board has developed many skills as a result of experience and works well as a team. Karen, Jesus and Moe agreed to serve again if nominated. The nomination ballot was circulated and will be sent to homeowners.

12. Homeowner Request
C108 Tony Pendry requested to replace his front sliding glass door with a window that faces the ABC parking lot. We still have not received a request with the specific type of window but will approve if it is determined to fit with the current look.

Next meeting May 20 2006, 10:00 a.m. in clubhouse.
Respectfully submitted, 
Jesus A. Hernandez
HBV Board Secretary