Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Agenda

Holiday Beach Villas Homeowners Association


Meeting Date: March 27, 2010

Beginning time: 9:00 a.m.

Meeting place: Holiday Beach Clubhouse

Ending time: 12:15 p.m.


X Supporting Material Attached: Estimate of Hunter’s Tree Service, Inc.


Call to order:


Meeting called to order by Karen Alexander.

Present in person: Karen Alexander and Charles Robinson
Present by phone: Janet Parker and Judy Fleming
Participating by conference call: Tony Hunter

Karen noted that quorum was present.


Comments from the President:


Karen thanked those Board members in attendance and then welcomed Janet Parker to the Board.


Approval of the September 5, 2009 meeting minutes:


The September 5, 2009 meeting minutes were approved.


Recognition of guests:


Homeowner Don Westmoreland (Unit G-330) raised the following two issues:


Issue 1: Don recommended that something be done about the garbage being strewn about as a result of bears invading our garbage bins.

Discussion: A possible solution to this problem would be to put some type of latch on the lids, along with a warning sign to keep lids latched.


Issue 2: Don also suggested that outsiders might be using our dumpsters and dumpster area.

Discussion: A possible solution to the problem would be to put up a warning sign that violators will be fined and/or reported to proper enforcement authorities.


Committee reports:


There were no committee reports either distributed before the meeting or reported on at the meeting.


Unfinished business:

There was no unfinished business.


New business:


The Board unanimously agreed to establish rules and regulations governing which matters should and should not be the subject of electronic voting, how they must be initiated, and the procedure to be followed.

Charlie is to prepare and circulate a draft consistent with these discussions.


In accordance with Section 8(e), the Board also unanimously agreed to submit to the homeowners for approval at the next annual meeting an amended Tree Cutting Policy reframed to conform more closely to the standards set forth in Section 1114 of the Ordinances and Guidelines of Beech Mountain.

The new policy/guidelines will also contain language stating that the purpose of the new policy/guidelines is to meet the needs of the homeowners while at the same time preserving the beauty and naturalness of the grounds. To that end, the new guidelines will specifically provide that crown reduction for view enhancement purposes will be permitted so long as such action leaves as much as possible a “dome effect” rather than an unsightly “crew-cut effect.”
By phone, Tony answered all questions posed by the Board regarding his estimate and the means, methods, standards, and safeguards he uses to cut, trim, window, and reduce the crown of trees.

Tony also agreed to provide the necessary services, advice, periodic maintenance, and written certifications to the Board needed to insure that any future tree cutting, trimming, and/or crown reduction proposed by any landowner or the Board will be done in compliance with the newly adopted guidelines.

The Board unanimously agreed that Tony is a certified arborist who quotes reasonable prices, is dependable, gives honest opinions and advice, has the manpower and equipment to do a first-rate job, and places great importance of preserving the beauty and naturalness of the environment.

Accordingly, the Board was of the opinion that it would be in the best interest of HBV to designate Tony Hunter as its first official tree-cutter.
In the interest of HBV and for the sake of familiarity, consistency, and developing good relations, the Board agreed that we should designate and deal with only one tree cutter at a time.

Charlie is to prepare and circulate a draft consistent with these discussions for consideration by all Board members prior to the next meeting.


Upon motion made by Karen and seconded by Charlie, all new-business items listed on the agenda, including the those noted above, were deferred to the next Board meeting for a more detailed and in-depth discussion.


Adjournment: Next meeting May 15, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.