Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Holiday Beech Villas Board Meeting

Meeting Date: May 15, 2010
Beginning Time 9:15

Meeting was called to order by president, Karen Alexander

Board members present: Janet , Karen Alexander, Fatima Hicks, and Charlie Robinson

Recognition of homeowners present: Chris and Lori Chilelli
Leslie and Ninfa Eiskowitz
Cecile Esko

Motion to accept the minutes of September meeting made by Charlie Robinson and second by Fatima Hicks. Minutes accepted as posted.

Packets of the financial report and minutes distributed to homeowners

Page 2 of Budget income Fiscal 09-10 dues for D111-E317 totaling $3,907.50 are dues unrecovable Bank of America taking over the dues as of now. Unit listed with realtor and for sale.

In reviewing the financial report, Charlie questioned whether we are within budget, Karen reported that we are within budget with the general and the assessment account. She explained the breakdown of the types of projects that are paid from each of these separate accounts.

Janet motioned to accept the fiscal report as distributed, Charlie second the motion, and the motion passed.

Maintenance report discussion:
Karen will be taking a look at how the pitch was accomplished on the soffit of D214.
Commendation on new erosion barrier for H building. Karen commented on our goal to do preventative maintenance and efforts to enhance drainage.

The bear situation was discussed, homeowner Cecile Esko reported the ammonia solution is working. Leslie Eiskowitz, unit D311 proposed we lock the dumpsters at night and opened as night. Charlie Robinson agreed that we could try a latch. Leslie Eiskowitz agree to be responsible to lock the dumpsters to try the experiment with the dumpsters at D building.

Karen discussed the trees that will be planted as a barrier for the dust from slope side road will be funded from the beautification committee, and how these projects are funded.

Lighting issues at several buildings including C and the clubhouse. Leslie Eiskowits suggested timers, it was clarified that the sensor is a light not a motion sensor

Commendation to all who worked on the storage building behind A building. Their work has enhanced the safety and looks of this area.

Cecile Esko F reported that raccoons droppings are found in balconies

Proposal for wifi for 15/month to get everyone connected. Renee sent a survey to homeowners asking for input. The vote from owners was against wifi at this time. The proposal failed. We will continue to explore this in the future.

No report from long term planning, archive, or insurance since Howards is absent.

Les suggested that when a request for maintenance is issued that the homeowner gets feedback as to when the job will be addressed. We also need to update the maintenance list on the web so homeowners can see what has been log. Renee needs to send an email, to owners to maintain the back decks in an orderly manner and not use them for loose storage of items.

Question posed by Janet on window replacement. The windows and doors are the responsibility of the homeowners but owners need to bring any variance in the type of windows or doors for approval by board.

A proposal on a dues increase for next year was brought to the board. The current dues do not cover the budget for next year do to substantial increases in utilities, cable, taxes, salaries and materials. The motion passed unanimously to increase dues by 30%. The board has no plans to levy an assessment this year unless unforeseen emergency. Renee will provide notification to homeowners. The increase will become effective with the new budget year in July. Annual meeting is July 17th.

The tree policy proposed by Charlie was presented. There was a lot of discussion and how it differed from existing policy and how it follows the town. Charlie will make some changes on the policy and resubmit it electronically for a final vote.

Charlie brought a concern about electronic voting and that a policy should be developed. The HBV lawyer has stated that electronic voting is permissible. If a board member believes that a live meeting is needed to make a controversial decision a called meeting can be arranged if agreed upon by the majority.

Jesus presented an amendments to the ethics policy. It was approved unanimously.

A discussion of placement of satellite dishes. Jesus will develop a draft of the policy.