Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: May 17, 2008 Meeting Place: Clubhouse
Beginning Time: 10:00 Ending Time: 12:45

1. Call to Order
Saul called the meeting to order. Board members present: Yvonne Clay, Tom Mauldin
Jesus Hernandez, Saul Moore, Claude Chapman. Charles Robinson and Karen Alexander by speaker phone.

2. Recognition of Homeowners
Sonia Prosperi, Fatima and Wilson Hicks

3. Comments from the Vice-President/approval of minutes
Karen is not able to attend but is available by phone. Saul will officiate in her place.

4. Minutes of March 15th approved unanimously.

5. Saul went over the quarterly outcomes. These were updated and will be posted on the web.

6. Yvonne went over the financial packet and audit of membership dues (attachment 1—no financial data is available on the web). $990 of delayed July payment is still due final day for remittance is June 10th. Total delinquents due $2725 this is the most delinquents we have had in 4 years. We are on track with the budget (attachment 2—no financial data is available on the web) and have $43,987.32 in the checking account as of 5/15/08.

7. Jesus reported on maintenance. The maintenance report has been updated and placed on the web. The D roof has been repaired and new stairs to bottom of F building are done except for pickets. All lights are functioning. The flat areas in front of windows on top floors need to be repainted brown add to list. Larry is within budget and is working 2-3 days for us per week when he does not have other jobs for the club. Gravel needs to be added and distributed to each parking area before July meeting. Homeowners with individual requests are to complete a maintenance request form or notify Renee so she can put it on the list if it is an association responsibility. Completion of projects may be delayed from last year as we no longer have a full time maintenance contractor on site. Priority will be given to important projects that impact most homeowners.

8. Long term planning: Has not met.

9. No reports from archive, legal or bylaws committee. Jesus mentioned that the bylaws state that the board may want to have a fidelity bond issued on any officer or employee that is involved in finances. Charlie agreed that this is a good idea and may already be covered by directors insurance. Saul will investigate if we have it or the cost of bonding with the insurance agency. The bylaws also refer to Chairman and Vice chairman instead of President and Vice President.

10. No personnel issues.

11. New business:

A. CAI the magazine for community associations that we subscribe to has an online management training class for managers. The cost for the class is $295. This involves taking a proctored test. Motion made for Renee to take the class paid by HBV for continuing education. The original printed material from the course will remain in the office. Renee will give a report on this class to the board and membership. The cost for this class would come out of the contingency fund. Motioned passed unanimously.

B. Due to excessive water bills from leaking water heaters Renee has recommended the board take action. Motion to send a letter to homeowners and write a policy informing them that if they don’t replace an old water heater and it leaks that they will be responsible to pay the excess water bill to the association for the leak as well as cost of damage to other units. Unanimous approval that we send a letter and write a policy about it and send it to the homeowners.

C. Town has new ordinance that there be outside water shutoffs for each building. Some of our buildings don’t currently have outside shutoffs. We need to check with the town to make sure that the cutoffs in the crawls spaces that were recently installed meet the needs of the town. These would need to remain unlocked for access. It seems A and K are only ones that don’t have outside cutoff. Larry will check to make sure we are not missing others. Motion to install these for A and K and put signs on crawl space doors that have water shutoffs. Renee has estimate of $680 for each cutoff for building. Funds will come from general maintenance.

D. Planning for annual meeting. Jesus reviewed the bylaws and policies to see if any needed updating before the annual meeting. All board members should review the HBV policies and make any suggestions for revision or improvement. The planting policy will be revised to include that artificial plants are not allowed to be planted in the grounds or placed in public areas. Saul has an article on adopting an ethical code of conduct for the board. Renee can type this up as a policy to be included and approved by the board. Policies will be voted on at the annual meeting. A letter for nominations to the board will go out to all homeowners. CAI magazine argues against a nominating committee but for open nominations from all. Nomination Committees are forbidden in the State of Florida by Florida Administrative Code Rule 61B-23.0021(3). We are not aware of a similar requirement by the NC General Statutes. A synopsis of this article will be published in the newsletter. This year is the 35th anniversary of the association. Karen will send Renee the website to an agency that has commemorative gifts such as buttons or paperweights that can be given to homeowners at the annual meeting. We will provide these if the cost is reasonable. Karen and Tom will ask Jim Cary to take photos of the association for an album for archive to be available in a book at the annual meeting. Karen can print the photos at her office and they can be added to the website. Renee can order a sheet cake designed with the main sign on it and 35th Year on it. We will ask homeowners to donate $10 each for the celebration and call it the 35th Anniversary Gala. Karen will provide a case of wine for the celebration. A drawing for a gift basket can be done. All homeowners who contribute can be eligible for the drawing. Jesus will plan this aspect and decorating of clubhouse and grounds with Renee. The gala will be paid for from general expenses and monies received from homeowners will be returned to the budget. The old HBV main sign will be displayed as part of the Gala. We need to recognize and be proud of our accomplishments over the last years and document what we have achieved for the future.

E. Tom has a concern that the area behind A is being used for storage of materials for a while now and has become very unruly. Exposed building materials are getting damaged. This limits the parking in that area as well. Larry will be consulted to add a lean to storage area for wood materials storage to the current storage shed. Homeowners will be notified to remove any personal materials from the shed within 30 days. Larry will inspect all areas that are visible to the public and remove any items kept there to the storage areas. Anything that is not being currently utilized and cannot be properly stored will be removed from the association grounds. An inventory can be accomplished at this time. Yvonne needs a list of materials on site from Larry for accounting purposes.

12. Announcements

Fatima Hicks thanked the board for being proactive in dealing with HBV needs and stated her support. Karen thanked Fatima and Yvonne for their contributions to the grounds and beautification improvements. Moe stated we need to investigate if our shingles were purchased from Certainteed company since there is a class action suit against this company. We need Renee to provide extra printed meeting packets to be available to visitors and guests at meetings.

The HBVCOA Annual Meeting is July 19th 2008. The first board meeting for the year will follow immediately after the annual meeting. Any items to be included in the agendas for these meeting should be sent to Renee.

Jesus Hernandez
Secretary to the Board