Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners

Meeting Date: May 20, 2006
Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse

Beginning Time: 10:00 Ending Time: 12:00

1. Call to Order;
Karen Alexander, President

2. Members Present
Karen Alexander, Saul Moore, Yvonne Clay, Jesus Hernandez, Tom Mauldin.

3. Recognition of Homeowners and Guests
Barbara Toomey-G building.

4. Approval of minutes and comments from the President
Karen Alexander commented on the great accomplishments since the last meeting. Asked for motion to accept minutes for 3/18/06.

Motion to approve minutes made by Saul. A second to the motion given by Tom and approved unanimously.

5. Quarterly Outcome
Previous quarter outcomes were reviewed and completed as the work was accomplished (attachment one). New outcomes were identified for fourth quarter. Jesus presented the new welcome packet which was an outcome. Saul showed another outcome, the new policy manual, to insurance company and began renewal of contract. The insurance company was very pleased to see the policies are in place and plans to renew the policy.

Motion by Saul to approve outcomes, second by Jesus approved unanimously.

Committee Reports:
6. Maintenance Report
Jesus presented the maintenance report (attachment two). Jesus asked for approval to buy two wood rockers for clubhouse porch and it was approved. Board approved purchase of new refrigerator for clubhouse this summer. The old one has had problems at intervals. A handrail will be added to stairs leading from D & E to clubhouse.

Yvonne made motion to accept report and the purchases of rockers and refrigerator and a second was given by Saul. The motion carried unanimously.

7. Treasurer Report Financials are not placed on the web. They may be obtained from the office.
Yvonne presented a new spread sheet. A correction needs to be made to year to date to 64,762 for first subtotal to reflect the payment to 5000 for insurance deductible. The annual fixed budget subtotal needs to be corrected to 74,160 since the loan payment was also budgeted under special assessment. Yvonne explained how adjustments to the budget are made. The clubhouse insurance line needs to be changed to claim. Discussion on assigning an administrative fee for repeat delinquent accounts.

Yvonne moved to approve the report as corrected. A second to the motion made by Moe and approved unanimously. Moe will inquire with lawyer about additional fees.

8. Personnel
Discussion on giving a market adjustment and merit raise to Renee Castiglione for an extension of her job responsibilities and excellent execution of her job.

Yvonne made a motion and was seconded by Saul and approved unanimously to be effective beginning July 1, 2006.

9. Archive.
The historical documents consisting of original site plans and drawings were saved from the water damage and will be stored in plastic tubes. Old maintenance documents from Margaret Jenkins will be obtained from her and stored.

10. Old Business
A. Electrical Concerns:
Tom presented a problem with electrical breakers on his unit. There has been a failure of the breakers on the outside box for B and H building. The cost for inspection is $2800 by Mr. Electric.

Motion to table this for now made by Saul seconded by Tom. Motion approved.

B. Credit Limit.
Renee asked for an application to be completed fir an increase on the credit card for Jim Frye to use to $2500. Karen and Saul will complete and sign.

C. Annual Meeting:
Moe discussed plans for annual meeting and development of ballot and proxy ballot. Saul and Karen will meet to discuss the final details for planning the meeting.

B. Policy and Procedures.
Saul suggested changes to reflect that parking is on an available basis only. The parking policy and these will be given to Renee an added to manual.

The board will approve the policy on access to grounds at a future meeting.

D. Jesus discussed different entrance sign designs by ABC. The design and costs as previously discussed was approved again with the addition of a routed line to separate the directional part. Other stone pillar signs with lighting will be placed at the entrance to each road.

Jesus made the motion that Jim order and install the main entrance sign by ABC as previously presented to preserve historical character and other entrance signs. Moe made a second to the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

F. Signs
Discussed putting up signs instructing owners and visitors to walk on walkways and driveways only and not on the grounds or slide on the slopes and damage the shrubbery. This is also a safety issue.

Approved “Please stay on gravel roads and walkways. Stay off grounds.” Signs will be placed at entrances to each road.

New Business:
11. Homeowner Request 
A. B106 Marty and Jan Jackson requested several repairs. The board looked through the list and approved several repairs which will be added to the list of approved repairs. No painting of building is planned at this time, just touch up as needed.

B. 2006-2007 Annual Budget
Saul presented a draft of the 2006/2007 budget for line by line discussion (attachment three--all financial attachments may be obtained at the office).

Yvonne made motion to approve with corrections. Tom made a second and motion was approved unanimously.

Next meeting July 15th 2006, 12:30 p.m. after annual meeting

Jesus A. Hernandez
HBV Board Secretary