Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: November 18, 2006 Meting Place: Clubhouse

1. Call to Order
Saul called the meeting to order. Board members present: Jesus Hernandez, Saul Moore, Yvonne Clay, Tom Mauldin, Joe Crist. All meetings are tape recorded and the tapes are placed in the archives in case specific details are needed. Tapes can be reviewed in the future if there is a need to revisit the in-depth discussion on a topic. The minutes will reflect major points of discussion and decisions made which will be in bold type. All members introduced themselves. Karen Alexander attended by speaker phone.

2. Recognition of Homeowners
One owner Sonia Prosperi D-111 was welcomed.

3. Comments from the Vice President/approval of minutes
Joe made motion to approve minutes and Tom gave a second to the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Report from Yvonne: treasurer’s report (attachment 1-5)Financials are not placed on the web. They may be obtained at the office.
We are currently within our budget and our finances are in good order. The association has two delinquent accounts E217, G227 are one moth behind. D215 has been submitted for foreclosure. Only two are behind for special assessment D215 and C107. There is an offer for sale of D215. There are changes to financial statement. Homeowners repairs have been moved out of maintenance in order to better account for the expenditures. Yvonne signed off on fixed items (attachment 0ne). Karen stated that Renee needs to put on spread sheet where we have paid the principal on the loan. We have spent about 204,430 that leaves a balance of $61,246 in special assessment money. We are still due to collect 90,000. We have in reserve 3,250. We need to get a budget for how much we still need to allow for remaining structural repairs. We have $19,000 left to finish all items on structural assessment projects.

5. Quarterly outcomes
Saul and reviewed the quarterly outcomes for completion. These will be discussed again next meeting.

6. Maintenance Report: Jesus
The painting, pressure washing and pickets to rear decks were completed to all buildings. Signage to entrance to roads and clubhouse was completed. A major repair to side of H building to stop a leak in H133 was completed. Rock work was completed to cul de sac for F, G, H, buildings. New rail fence for K building. There is a major roof leak to C307. The lifespan to this roof is 12-14 years and this roof is already 13 years old. Repairing the leak is $950 and there is no guarantee that another leak will not occur. A new membrane roof that is guaranteed for 25 years is $12,500. A bid made by Tony Parker who completed the roof on the clubhouse and for Fred’s. A & R metal has assessed the remaining deck work in D building and E staircase and D stairs by D11 but the bids have not yet been received. A & R have been working on other projects on the mountain and have not been able to schedule the work we need to finish. The winter preparation has been completed and roofs inspected. The snow stations have been set out at each building to be used by homeowners. The majority of the structural repairs have been completed on the structural assessment. The flue for the clubhouse will be repaired to enable the gas logs to be used in case of an emergency. Joe Crist has agreed to pay for all the individual unit signs and these have been ordered and paid for. The board thanked Joe for his generous contribution as this will make a tremendous difference in improving safety for the association by easily identifying each unit in case of emergency. The H building railroad tie improvements to parking lot will have to be placed on hold due to expenses since it impacts primarily one homeowner. The homeowner will be asked to contribute to this project in order for it to go forward. The maintenance plan will be developed for next year starting in the spring. A homeowner inquired about the maintenance committee and it was explained that this committee no longer exists as a result of process improvement. All homeowners can submit requests for maintenance and improvements. Jesus can meet with any interested homeowners to get input into the spring plan if they desire.

Joe made motion and Tom seconded the motion to have a full repair to C building roof by Tony Parker for $12,500. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Homeowner request: 
Sonia from D-111 asked about progress to D-111 area stairs and why this project had not been completed. Jesus gave an explanation about the process for receiving bids. We now have a bid from Jim for $2700 from Jim Frye and A & R has assessed the project but not given a bid yet. Karen explained the specifications of the project. This project will most likely be completed in the Spring. The stairs to D-111 have been closed due to safety concerns. Homeowners are to use the stairs in the middle of the building to access the bottom floor until repairs are completed.

7. Old Business:
Discussion on taking a deposit for the clubhouse for guests and non-homeowners to use the clubhouse. Karen has been investigating what other associations do and we will discuss this again at the next meeting.

8. New business:
A. Homeowner Survey results were obtained. Twenty one percent of homeowners responded and the results were very positive overall. The full survey results will be put in the newsletter.

B. An arbitration committee will be appointed as an Adhoc Committee if needed according to NC law for associations if there is a need for arbitration.

C. Owner Jeff Hickey H-133 had expressed an interest to M. Jenkins in serving on long term planning committee. He was notified that he is welcomed to be part of this group but as of date no response has been received from the homeowner.

D. There is no attendance policy for board members for the board meeting in the bylaws but it is written in the rules of procedure that board members attend 75% of all meetings. Two elected board members have not attended meetings in spite of repeated notification.

Motion by Jesus and seconded by Saul to notify Linda Minsy and Diane Keesler that due to their inability to attend board meetings the board will ask for their resignation.

Motion made by Jesus and seconded by Yvonne to appoint Sonia Prosperi to fill the vacancy left by Linda Mincy. Motion approved unanimously.

E. Requests for work to be done on new decks, shingles and painting of buildings. These items are not approved for the immediate future and will be added to the long term planning list. A request was given by Jim to build a storage building in D. The board feels that this is not a priority and did not approve this building at this time.

F. Saul and Tom completed an electrical inspection and this report will be sent to the board members. There are no critical problems identified.

To keep on hand in case of emergency we need to purchase a complete box for 100 and one for 125 amp.

G. Lots on Slope Side Ave across from H, G and F have been put up for sale. Karen developed a letter of concern to be sent to the Township. These concerns include water runoff from clearing of the lots. The town becomes liable if there is any damage to HBV from changing the land in Slopeside. The letter will be sent to an attorney to be reviewed and be sent from attorney on behalf of the board. There is a conflict of interest with the use of our attorney so Karen will investigate getting another attorney.

9. Meeting Adjourned

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting January 20, 2007 at 10 a.m. in HBV clubhouse.

Jesus A. Hernandez
Board Secretary