Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: November 18, 2005 Meting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse
Beginning Time: 10:30 Ending Time: 3:00

1. Call to Order;
Karen Alexander, President

2. Members Present
Karen Alexander, Saul Moore, Yvonne Clay, Jesus Hernandez, Tom Mauldin.

2. Recognition of Guests
None present.

3. Approval of minutes and Comments from the President
Karen Alexander asked for motion to accept minutes for 9/05.

Motion made and approved unanimously.

4. Quarterly Outcomes
Jesus and Saul met to discuss first and second quarter outcomes. The board was asked to review the outcomes. (Attachments one and two, financial attachments may be attained at the Holiday Beech Villas Office). First quarter is 7/1-9/31/05, and second quarter is 10/1/05-12/31/05 The outcomes are listed for major areas for continuous quality improvement including financial/legal, structural integrity/assessment, maintenance, community relations. Corrections to first quarter outcomes made and these will be given to Renee. Motion made and approved unanimously for first quarter outcomes to be approved as corrected. Jesus suggested additional outcomes for second quarter and after discussion these were approved unanimously. The financial quarters are now in sync with the outcome quarters.

Motion to accept first quarter outcomes as revised. Yvonne and Saul will talk to Winelda to reconcile financial and IRS quarters with HBV quarters which begin with first quarter starting each year on 7/1 /05 after the new board is elected.

Committee Reports:
5. Maintenance Committee
The new relationship with the Jim Frye’s company is working out well but we need to continue to improve the communication processes with our contractor. Jesus plans to develop a communication log to account for issues with miscommunication and how priority projects are implemented. Jesus reported that everyone has worked very hard to meet all maintenance needs. Jesus presented the maintenance and assessment projects completed between June and November 2005. The board commended Jesus and maintenance crew for excellent work this season. Karen commended the crew for solving problems using creative solutions that save the association money like harvesting rocks that we don’t pay for. George Frank came and did the end of year inspection with Jesus and Jim on a Saturday. George made suggestions for improvement and approved work completed and sent a letter to the board that will be included in the next newsletter. The winter plan has been implemented to decrease chance for freezing pipes. All bottom heaters are on and individual unit thermostats have been set and heaters are on. Turbines, outside faucets and all vents are covered. Dan has completed individual unit inspections and noted issues that need t be addressed by the homeowners.

The spring project list was discussed. (Attachment 3). Motion to approve and voted unanimously. Jesus will get estimate for injection insulation to buildings. Jesus moved to get a pager for Jim for emergencies motion approved unanimously. Jesus will send out a list to homeowners that don’t have smoke detector and carbon dioxide detectors that these will be installed. If no keys a locksmith will be contacted and the homeowners will be charged. Jim will be contacted about setting weekly outside inspection and trash pick up each Monday for up to 4 hours per week.

5. Financial Committee

Winelda Bishop has been working with the office and treasurer to get all the records synchronized. We only budget for $3000 for Winelda but will probably exceed our budget this year for that. Saul will talk with Winelda to keep the check and balances active and coordinated with the IRS. Winelda serves more as an external auditor as Renee has assumed more of the bookkeeping responsibilities and our records are now on Quickbook. We have two units with liens that may go into foreclosure if they don’t pay according to policy. The policy for placing liens is applied to all homeowners equally. Yvonne presented her report (attachment 4--financial reports may be attained at the Holiday Beech Villas office). There needs to be some clarifications on the line items to make it clearer. Karen will talk with Renee to make the corrections on the format of the report. Saul gave Yvonne two refund checks for our software that was purchased but not usable. In order to assure confidentially of all financial documents and checks a locked cabinet will be purchased and the office manager and treasurer will have access to it. The contractors must assure that the office door is locked whenever they leave the clubhouse.

Jesus made the motion to accept report with corrections that will be made by Renee was approved unanimously. Jesus made a motion to take $5000 from the prepaid line item and move it to a reserve account that may only be used for emergencies. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Other Committees no reports.

6. Personnel Issues
Discussion on Christmas bonuses for employees and contractors for excellent work this year. Each person will receive a bonus and commendation for excellent work. Bonus amounts are to remain confidential. Renee requested we approve high speed internet connection to make it more efficient for office and a motion made and approved unanimously.

7. Homeowner concerns.

Concerns brought by homeowner in A and G were addressed in writing to the homeowner. A request for lighting to entrance for ABC was discussed. Margaret had expressed concerns about the tree policy but was not in attendance to discuss it. No changes at this time. Board approved for Jesus to investigate purchasing signs and lights for entrance to all roads and a large road side for Beech Mountain parkway from sign shop.

Next Board Meeting Date-January 21, 2005