Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Holiday Beech Villas Board Meeting

Minutes of the September 15, 2012 Board Meeting    
Members Present:  Karen Alexander, Ed Anthony, Clyde Dills, Carol Robinson

Members Present via Telephone:  Mark, Deasaro, Don Westmoreland
Guests:  Ron White, Judy Fleming

Call to Order:  President, Ed Anthony opened the meeting.  
Recognition of Guests:  Ed welcomed the guests, Ron White and Judy Fleming.  The attending guests had no issues for the Board.
Approval of the March 17, 2012 Minutes:  Corrections were made for the spelling of the last names for Mark Deasaro and Don Westmoreland.  Mark made the motion for the corrections and approval of the minutes.  Karen Alexander seconded which was passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report:  Don Westmoreland gave the report commenting that all the financial statements look good.
Maintenance:  Renee submitted a Maintenance Report showing the status of the projects being done and the immediate future projects at Holiday Beech Villas.  Tony Hunter, arborist, is completing the tree trimming and removal of dead or diseased trees.  We are on track with our maintenance. 

Long Term Planning:  The committee submitted a Long Term Planning report. 

Items #1-3 are being covered via the Special Assessment.  George will complete the sides of each building as he is replacing the shingles (replacing rotten wood, painting, etc.) in order to achieve savings.
Item 4:  B Building may have to have a new roof before Building A.  Our roofing contractor is willing to do the work and accept payments.
Item 6:  A discussion was held about purchasing new light fixtures for HBV.  Ed suggested a more lantern type which would not collect debris, costing about $30.00 each.  The old lights are costing almost the $30.00 to repair.  Karen suggested Renee send pictures to the homeowners either via survey or in the newsletter for their opinion.  When the shingles are being replaced, all lights and fixtures will have to be removed, so the replacements would be at a very convenient time.  We do have chronic issues with the lamp posts.  We are still working on other ideas for low cost outdoor lighting.  The priority for this is low.

New Business:
Board Packets for new Board Members:  Each Board Member should read and review at their leisure.  Don Westmoreland suggested either our meeting times should be changed from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and the month we meet should be changed or we follow what is in the Rules of Procedure.  It was decided that we should meet in September, February, May, and July at 9:00 a.m.  It was also decided that the date shall be the 3rd Saturday as the standard date, but at the Board’s discretion, the date may be changed in time to notify the Homeowners.  July cannot be changed.  Mark Deasaro suggested the Board meet a minimum of 4 times per year with the exception of July.  Carol Robinson motioned to accept these changes:  Karen Alexander seconded.  This passed unanimously.  

Discuss and finalize Paint colors for buildings:  The suggestions for paint colors are being painted on the far side of A Building for all to see.  When the colors are chosen, the Club House will be painted first as the sample building.  After all feedback, we will continue painting the rest of Holiday Beech Villas Buildings as the shingles are replaced.

Discussion regarding electronic combination lock on Club House door:  The decision was made to place a combination lock on the Club House door in lieu of replacing the lock and sending out keys to all homeowners (at a savings of about $400.00).  The combination can be easily changed and Homeowners will be notified via e-mail or the Postal Service.  There will be a back-up key in the event the combination lock should fail.  Karen Alexander made a motion to accept this and Clyde Dills seconded.  Passed unanimously.

Policy on Doors & Windows:  Ed asked if there was a policy.  Karen thinks there is and she has information on this policy.  She will check her files to see.  If we don’t have a policy, we should.  This has been tabled for the next Board meeting pending research.

Should there be a penalty fee…:  Discussion was held regarding penalty fees for phone calls to the Property Manager for emergency calls.  If one calls the HBV office, there is an emergency number for Larry Parish who will come in case of an emergency.  

Renée, Property Manager, should be called ONLY if there is a major issue with the building, i.e. burst pipes, tree falling on and damaging a building. Lost keys or forgotten keys is not considered an emergency on our part and will be referred to Larry Parrish and will be subject to a fee for his services in which the Homeowner will be responsible.

General Discussion:  Ed suggested we put pictures of Board Members  and other happenings, such as project progress, at HBV on our website for Homeowners to view.Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned.  The next Board Meeting date is:  February 16, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.