Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

Meeting Date: September 22, 2007 Meeting Place: Holiday Beech Clubhouse
Beginning Time: 10:00 Ending Time: 12:00

To make the minutes concise all motions were made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote according to Robert’s Rules of Order unless specified otherwise.

1. Call to Order
Saul called the meeting to order. Board members present: Yvonne Clay, Tom Mauldin, Jesus Hernandez, Saul Moore, Claude Chapman and Karen Alexander by speaker phone.

2. Recognition of Homeowners: Sonia Prosperi

3. Comments from the President/approval of minutes
Karen wanted to make a comment about the billing policy to homeowners. A discussion on the validity of this policy and that the homeowners may pay more than they would in a bigger city where there is more competition than on the mountain.

4. Minutes approved unanimously with correction of next meeting to 9/22/07.

5. Saul went over the quarterly outcomes. These were updated and will be posted on the web.

6. Yvonne went over the financial packet (attachment 1—all financial data is not placed on the web, if you would like a copy of financial data, please call the office). We are getting ready for the outside audit. $179,700 is projected budget including the increase. The actual budget is based on 12 months but income is on 11 months since increase in dues did not start until August. Late fees and back payments will be used as operating income. Check registry detail report will be used to work on the operating balance. We are in perfect balance and the bank statement has been audited by Yvonne. A quarterly audit will be given, by Yvonne, instead of monthly. An internal audit by Yvonne and Renee has revealed some areas that could be improved on and corrected prior to the outside audit.

7. Jesus reported on maintenance. The maintenance report has been updated and placed on the web. Several projects are in the process of being completed by A & R metal. These include repairs to E building staircase, repairs to flashing rear of decks to D building and new stairs to C building. The stairs at the end of D staircase have been completed and the improvements to the parking area will be completed within the next two weeks. This includes moving the garbage dumpsters and grading the road and putting down new gravel. The dumpsters will be fixed and painted probably in the spring. The new planks needed for to the bottom of D will be reevaluated and checked for water standing on the bottom floor once we get more rain. Jesus will talk with Judy Fleming about putting a hose bib in front of her unit to keep water from leaking to bottom floor. Discussion on Larry continuing to work for a couple of days of the week during the winter season to get caught up on projects since he was working by himself. Will ask Larry to estimate amount to be spent per week so we don’t go over budget. One winter project will be to repair all the front unit light fixtures.

8. Long term planning: Gutter repairs and shingle repairs will be moved to maintenance. The H wall repair is not a priority since it is mostly cosmetic and will be moved to the spring, if needed. Yvonne will talk with Alac to see if project could be paid over monthly payments instead all at once. Several of the projects have been completed such as the C building stairs. Karen discussed getting the engineer George Frank to come back and look at the projects that have been completed. Karen will get an estimate on the cost. There are no funds now for extending the planting bed in front of H building.

9. No reports from archive, legal or bylaws committee.

10. Unfinished Business: Gutters are working well except for one leak in back of F 322 and that has been put on the maintenance list.

11. New business:

A. Pat Kyle and Greg Lanier have volunteered to be on the arbitration committee when needed.

B. ABC paving. Riley Hatch, Director of Public Works, had the town engineer, at the request of Holiday Beech Villas, look at ABC driveway and give his opinion of the repercussions of paving this area. The engineer stated that two additional culverts will be needed to be installed if the area is paved to allow the water to drain. After discussion on this issue it was determined that further paving is a bad idea environmentally and can cause water problems. We also don’t have the funds for this project. Motion to not do any more paving was made and seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Renee will inform Mr. Rossin about this issue.

C. The outside audit will cost $1200 based on estimate. Motion made and seconded and voted unanimously to hire Gwen Parsons Agency to complete the audit as soon as possible.

D. Sonia was complimentary about the new stairs and feels they are very safe. The dumpsters will be moved by the city for free. The lights in D and E continue to stay on all day long. Jesus will remind the workers to turn these lights off once they are done for the day. We will ask Larry to post the instructions to turn these off.

12. Meeting was adjourned at 12:00. Next meeting will be the first board meeting on November 17, 2007 at 10 a.m. in HBV clubhouse.

Jesus A. Hernandez
Board Secretary