Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Board Meeting Minutes 
Holiday Beech Villas Homeowners Association

September 4, 2010

Board Members Attended: Karen Alexander, Howard Esko, Charlie Robinson, Howard Esko; By Phone: Fatima Hicks

Homeowners attended: Pat Kyle, Greg Lanier, Les and Nina Eiskowitz, Sonia and Ben Gradus, Cecile Esko, Bob Lumpkin, Irene Alvarez

Karen stated there was a quorum.

Howard gave the financial report.

Renée’s maintenance report gave details of projects accomplished.

There was no report for Archives. However Pat Kyle noted she would like to have the archives committee develop a list of past managers and presidents, to be posted at the clubhouse,  in recognition of their contributions to Holiday Beech Villas.

Insurance Report: Discussion ensued regarding whether Homeowners have insurance on their units should be required. According to some Homeowners, insurance for an individual unit is approximately $100 per year. This type of protection, for that cost,  is well worth the protection should anything happen. The Board highly recommends this type of insurance.

The Tree Policy was discussed. A new form has been constructed for homeowners to fill out and submit for their proposed trimming. Units B304, D116, F225, H133, H233, H332 will approve or deny by September 30, 2010 so any work that will be approved can be done in the October tree trimming season. Charlie made a motion to approve the Tree Policy, Judi Fleming seconded. Approved.

Howard Esko nominated Lazara Hurd for an open position on the Board.  She presently has received several promotions since she was hired by DHL about four years ago. She was one of the few employees that survived DHL’s reduction of their U.S. staff by some 20,000 employees. She presently holds the important position of Director of Latin America Real Estate. Board approved appointment.

Letter to Charter Cable was read and discussed. This letter is to be sent by DiSanti law office. Charlie made a motion to approve letter. Judi Fleming seconded. Approved.

The Board decided that the chimney inspection and cleaning is a Homeowners responsibility. If a Homeowner’s chimney was previously inspected in the year of 2010, the Homeowner is required to submit a certificate of inspection to the Association within 10 days of notification. Otherwise the Association will hire an insured Chimney Service to inspect and clean, if necessary, and then Homeowners will be billed for this service.

Security of the Clubhouse was discusses and approved.

The Board approved a different type of cigarette butt dispenser to be placed on the deck of the clubhouse so that cigarette butts are not visible to visitors to the Clubhouse.

Thanks to Saul Moore for the research and documents he submitted regarding the encroachment issue.

The Board voted to not allow planting of trees without Board approval.

Respectfully submitted,
Judi Fleming