Holiday Beech Villas—Your Mountain Destination

Meeting Date:April 13, 2013
Special Board Meeitng Called
Meeting Place:
Holiday Beech Clubhouse

Beginning Time: 9:00 Ending Time: 11:00

Members Present via Telephone: Ed Anthony, Clyde Dills, Renee Castiglione, Karen Alexander, Janet Parker, Don Westmoreland, & Carol Robinson

Guests: Frank and Patti Jenkins

Call to Order: President, Ed Anthony opened the meeting.

Recognition of Guests: Ed welcomed Frank and Patti Jenkins, owners of unit E319

Comments from the President: Ed stated that the purpose of this Special Board Meeting was to vote on the redesign of the shingles on the top floor and removing the “alcoves” on the fronts and backs of each unit.

Discussion and vote on shingle redesign.

The discussion was held on removing the “alcoves” and ending the shingles above each door. Most board members agreed that not all the buildings would look exactly alike, but if done in clusters, it would be more cohesive. Not all buildings are able to have the same amount of shingles above the doors. K building has only about 18 inches and E building has about 30 inches. It was decided that, where possible, to have 36 inches of shingles above the door.
The design change was voted for all buildings, beginning with the A building. Discussion on the design of the buildings with sides already done will be discussed in the future.

Karen suggested that we have a 30 to 36 inch band of shingles keeping the same pitch and down to the windows and doors. The building code says they have to be 80 inches from the floor.

Clyde Dills made a motion that on A building there should be a roof line of 36 inches of shingles around the entire perimeter of the building, to include the ends.

Karen Alexander seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous for the motion.

Discussion on dealing with the ends of the buildings that have already been completed

Patty Jenkins suggested that we leave the completed ends of the buildings as is. 
A rendering of each cluster was discussed and Karen suggested that Renee take photos and she [Karen] would contact a local school to see if the interns could do a rendering for us.

Ed commented that A building would be finished by the annual meeting and would be an example of the completed work at HBV.

Karen asked how the A building unit owners feel about the changes and Renee said they were very excited.

Discussion was also held on the paint colors used. Karen made a motion that the brown on H building shingles and trim is the color to be used on all buildings. Clyde seconded the motion and it was unanimously voted in favor.

Discussion on dealing with the closets that are already in use, and if homeowners want to add a closet.

Don Westmoreland asked how this affected the owner’s closets [removing the “alcoves”]. Ed commented that the outside will look different but the closets will not be removed.

Discussion on paint colors

Karen asked Patti Jenkins, as a Realtor, what her opinion of the clubhouse paint colors. Patti said she does not like the green. She gave an example of a home she was selling that was green and was a hard sell. When the owners changed the paint color, it sold immediately. Other opinions were that it looks drab and not good. We decided to rethink the color of the building and the railings. Clyde Dills said he would pull exterior paint colors at Lowe’s and send all the board members the information. Karen will not be available after May 11th, so she requested that color choices be in as soon as possible. May 11th at 9:00 a.m. we will have a teleconference to vote on the paint colors.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 

There will be a short telephone meeting on May 11th at 9:00 a.m. 

The next scheduled Board Meeting date is: May 25, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.

All board members are requested to be in attendance.